jueves, 29 de octubre de 2009

New Experiences

This is a bird of paradise. I had never seen one of these before, but apparently they are common in Jill and Ellen's world - San Diego.
Lets see. Last week, I went with my senora, Carmen and her friends to eat at a convent for lucnh. To be honest, I originally thought I was eating at a monestary because the word for nun in Spanish is monja...and it was a bit deceiving. Apparently monje is monk. But anyways, at the convent, I tried for the first and last time..pig's feet. I can't say it was my favorite thing. Lots of bones, lots of fat, and very little meat, but very, very chewy. But the rest of the food was great! Also, we got to drink wine and beer at the convent. Apparently, the nuns supply the beer, but you have to bring your own wine with a limit of 5 bottles. I was surprised because I thought this would be the other way around, wine being in the Bible and all, but I guess since it has less alcohol content, it trumps wine. After lunch, we had coffee while the nuns came around selling lottery tickets. And I'm not sure why, but it happened.
I also tried bull tail with two of my Spanish friends this last weekend. And I will admit, I liked it. It helped that the gravy that was on it was incredible, but it tasted a lot like really, really tender roast beef. Very good. That night, Melissa and I also tried porrones for the first time. I'm not sure how to explain it really except that its a special kind of glass that you drink out of, but it takes lots of practice to perfect the art of drinking out of a porron. In their words, "You have to be one with the porron!" "Believe in the porron!" Such wonderful words of wisdom. By the end of the night, I had it down. I was told by Antonio and Diego that now I am a true Spaniard.

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