viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009

St, Peter's Basilica

Legend has it, this obelisk was very near where Peter was executed in Rome by Nero. There are many, many obelisks in this city.

The group outside of the Basilica.

A small part of the interior. I'm not really sure what this is to be honest; I just think its beautiful, and it gives a good example of what the entire design is like.

St. Peter's tomb is under this altar, or so they say. I guess the records show that he was buried fairly near where he was executed, so they dug up the remains there, somehow proved he was Peter, and then buried him here.

St. Peter's Basilica.

St. Peter's Square, right outside of the Basilica. This picture was taken on the top of the dome of the Basilica. We had to walk up over 500 flights of stairs to get to the top, but the view of the city was phenomenol.

Lets see, we checked into the hostel and ended up rooming with two guys from Finland and a guy from Colombia. They were all pretty cool, but they slept an ungodly amount of time. We went to bed, and the next day, slept in just a tiny bit.

The next day, we went to St. Peter's Basilica. It has the largest interior of any Christian church in the world, if that tells you anything. There has been a church on this site since the 4th century, but construction of this church began on 1506 and was done on 1626. Many, many different people helped to design this building through the years, most importantly Michelangelo and Rafael. There are tons of paintings, marble, and scupltures of Popes in here (also tons of Popes to be honest). St. Peter is also supposedly buried here although how they can prove that's him is beyond me. This place was incredible to see.

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